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Alecu Ștefan-Iulian


# Hey, there!

This is my personal corner of the internet where I share whatever crosses into my mind. Whether it’s tech stuff, tutorials, random thoughts, or anything else, you’ll find a mix of everything here. Think of it as a casual chat over coffee — minus the coffee, but feel free to grab a cup while you read!

# What’s the blog all about?

  • Tech and programming: I am a tech geek since I was little so you’ll see me rambling about the latest tools, coding projects, and anything else that catches my eye in the tech world. I love experimenting with new things, and this is where I jot down all the cool (and sometimes not-so-cool) stuff I learn along the way.

  • Tutorials and guides: Because of the aforementioned interest in tech, I also happen to like sharing my thoughts and wanting to help other people. Yes, I am one of those people who actually like writing documentation. This platform is the best way I can help you, the reader, learn something new. It is also a learning experience for me, since I am an avid believer in the protégé effect and the Feynman Technique.

  • Personal reflections: Sometimes, I just like to reflect on life, share some personal stories, or discuss whatever’s happening in the world. It’s more of a stream-of-consciousness thing — just me being me.

# About Me

Hi, I’m Ștefan (/ˈʃ, I also accept Stephan or any variation of it)! I’m a software developer and tech enthusiast based in Romania. I started this blog as a way to document my journey, share what I’ve learned, and connect with like-minded individuals.

I am, first and foremost, a programming language enthusiast, currently learning about language servers and Tree-Sitter, compilers, type systems and virtual machines. I really enjoy writing Pascal, Oberon, Ada and Modula-2 (I like my begins and ends, so to speak, as well as all of Niklaus Wirth’s works (R.I.P.)). Other than those, I occassionally use Tcl, Perl 5, PHP, PowerShell and Bash, with some Python and Ruby for the rare moments. If needed, I can crank Fortran, Go, C++, C#, Java, Kotlin and JS/TS, among other languages.

When I’m not coding, you’ll probably find me reading a good book, or exploring other areas of computer science, linguistics, post-WWII history or math, among other things. I’m passionate about learning and love to challenge myself with new projects and ideas.

Feel free to reach out if you want to connect, collaborate, or just chat! You can find me on GitHub, Mastodon, or via email.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your time here!

This blog uses the Anubis2 theme for Hugo, a simple and minimalist design that focuses on content. If you’re interested, you can check out the theme on GitHub.